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The RAPE of the LOCK.
Sooner let Earth, Air, Sea, to Chaos fall,
Men, Monkies, Lap-dogs, Parrots, periſh all!

She ſaid; then raging to Sir Plume repairs,
And bids her Beau demand the precious Hairs:
(Sir Plume, of Amber Snuff-box juſtly vain,
And the nice Conduct of a Clouded Cane)
With earneſt Eyes, and round unthinking Face,
He firſt the Snuff-box open'd, then the Caſe,
And thus broke out———"My Lord, why, what the Devil?
"Z———ds! damn the Lock! 'fore Gad, you muſt be civil!
"Plague on't! 'tis paſt a Jeſt———nay prithee, Pox!
"Give her the Hair———he ſpoke, and rapp'd his Box.

It grieves me much (reply'd the Peer again)
Who ſpeaks ſo well ſhou'd ever ſpeak in vain.
But [1] by this Lock, this ſacred Lock I ſwear,
(Which never more ſhall join its parted Hair,

  1. In alluſion to Achilles's Oath in Homer. Il. 1.