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The captain cjuardcd hy the mutineers . . . . 228

The Pitcairn islanders on board the English frigate . 239

Old John Adams teaches the children . .... 245

Death of the supercargo . . 248

' None will now deny that " Long Snake " sails by^ . 255

Hacon casts his shield away . 263

' Go, sir, to your general ; tell hivi what you, have seen . . .' 276

Escape of the Duke of Perth . 281

•* Li many a panelled parlour ' 284

' Och no ! she be relieved ' . 287

Mrs. Murray of Broughton

distributes cockades to the

c-oivd 289

James More wounded at Prestonpans . . . 293

Crossing Shap Fell . . . 301

' Many had their broadsiuords and dirks sharpened ' . 304

  • The Prince caught Jiivi by the liair ' .... 307

TJie poor boy fell, mortally wounded . . . .311

The ' Bout of Moy ' . . . 315

The end of Cullodcn . . 322

The advance party of eight started on October 29 ' . . 327


Golah is abandoned . . 332

' King, they are gone / ' . . 337

Death of Burke . . . 342

Bessd introduced to the Man in Mliite . . . . 355

' Saio reflected in the mirror the white figure ' 356

' Sometimes lie xvould find a party searching for him quite close at hand ' . . 360

Alexander Gordon wood- chopping in the disguise of a labourer .... 3G2

Grisell brings the sheep's head to her father in the vault . 367

A Peruvian postman . . 381

Almagro tconnded in the eye . 387

Many of the Spaniards were killed by the snakes and alligators . . . . 389

Amazement of the hidians at seeing a cavalier fall from his horse .... 391

Pizarro sees llamas for the first time 393

The cavalier displays Jiis horse- manship before Atahuallpa 401

The friar tirges Pizarro to attack the Peruvians . . 404

The Spatiiards destroy the idol at Pachacamac . . . 407