Page:The reign of George VI - 1763.djvu/214

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also benefited by it: but it was not in this article alone that George showed his desire of making the conquered nation happy: by an edict, which will be immortal, he introduced the laws of England into France, with no changes, but such as respected religion, and his own authority: he even gave up every prerogative which he did not possess in England, except the raising of money: parting with that would have been dangerous, so soon after his possession. As the French nation had always preserved a notion of liberty, and had never fallen absolutely into slavery, the effect of these changes was surprising; they seemed to enjoy them with particular exultation; as they came from the hand of their conqueror; happy for France, that it was conquered by such a patriot King!

The only set of men who at first appeared discontented with these changes,was