Page:The reign of William Rufus and the accession of Henry the First.djvu/19

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Tendencies to union; the new dynasty and nobility
accepted in an English character 131-132

Rufus' breach of his promises; his general oppression;
no oppression of the English as such 132-133

His employment of mercenaries; their presence helps
the fusion of races 133-134

Sale of ecclesiastical offices; prolongation of vacancies 134-135

Restoration of Thurstan of Glastonbury 135

Sept. 25 Death of Geoffrey Bishop of Chichester 135

Death of Abbot Scotland of Saint Augustine's, Abbot
Ælfsige of Bath, and Bishop Gisa of Wells 136

1088-1122 The bishopric of Somerset granted to John of Tours;
he removes the see to Bath 136-137

He obtains the temporal lordship of Bath 137

Complaints of the canons of Wells and the monks of
Bath 138-139

Guy forced on the monks of Saint Augustine's; disturbances
and their punishment 139-140

§ 3. Character of William Rufus.

May 24, Death and burial of Lanfranc; his position in England
1089 and Normandy 140-142

Change for the worse in the King's character; rebukes
of Lanfranc 142-143

Personal description of William Rufus 143-144

His conduct in youth; his filial duty; his conduct
during the rebellion 145-146

General charges against William Rufus; his marked
personality 147

His alleged firmness of purpose; his lack of real
steadiness; his unfinished campaigns 148-149

His alleged magnanimity; his boundless pride;
story of the chamberlain 149-51

His alleged liberality; his wastefulness 151-152

His rewards to the loyal troops after the rebellion 152

His extortions 153

His generally strict government 153

His lavishness to his foreign mercenaries 153-154

1108 They are restrained by the statute of Henry 154

Stricter forest laws; story of the fifty English
acquitted by ordeal 155-57

Special vices of Rufus; old and new fashions of dress 157-159

His irreligion; his favour to the Jews 159-161

True position of the Jews in England 160

Dispute between Jews and Christians 162