Page:The reign of William Rufus and the accession of Henry the First.djvu/258

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Dissatisfaction in Maine.

Relations with Fulk of Anjou.

Robert's homage to Fulk. changed as soon as the great King had passed away. The land and city which had striven so often against the Conqueror himself were not likely to sit down quietly under the feeble rule of Robert. And, besides the standing dislike of the people of Maine to Norman rule, there was a neighbour who was likely to be stirred up by his own ambition to meddle in the affairs of Maine, and to whom the actual provisions of treaties gave at least a colourable claim to do so. By the terms of the peace of Blanchelande, the new Duke of the Normans had become the man of Count Fulk of Anjou for the county of Maine.[1] It is true that the homage had been of the most formal kind. There had been no reservation of authority on the part of the superior lord, nor, as far as we can see, was any service of any kind imposed on the fief, if fief it is to be called. The homage might almost seem to have been a purely personal act, a homage expressing thankfulness for the surrender of all Angevin rights over Maine, rather than an acknowledgement of Angevin superiority over the land and city. Still Robert, as Count of Maine, had, in some way or other, become Count Fulk's man, and Count Fulk had, in some way or other, become Robert's lord. A relation was thus established between them of which the Rechin was sure to take advantage, whenever the time came.

Robert Count of Maine.

State of things in Maine. Robert, on his father's death, had taken his title of Prince of the Cenomannians as well as that of Duke of the Normans,[2] and his authority seems to have been acknowledged at Le Mans no less than at Rouen. We may suspect that there was no very deep felt loyalty in the minds of a people whose rebellious tendencies had deeply impressed the mind of William the Great. He is

  1. N. C. vol. iv. p. 563.
  2. Ord. Vit. 673 C. "Normannorum dux et Cœnomannorum princeps nomine tenus multis annis factus est."