Page:The reign of William Rufus and the accession of Henry the First.djvu/29

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The question as to the Pope left unsettled; no reference
to the Pope in English episcopal appointments 424-425

Order of episcopal appointments then and now;
theory of the two systems 425-427

Sept. 25, Enthronement of Anselm; Flambard brings a suit
1093 against him on the day of his enthronement 427-428

December 4 Consecration of Anselm at Canterbury; list of the
officiating bishops 429-430

Successful objection of Thomas of York to the phrase
"Metropolitan of Britain" 430-432

Anselm's general profession to the Roman church 432-433

Thomas claims jurisdiction over Lincoln; Robert
Bloet's consecration delayed 433

Christmas, Assembly at Gloucester; Anselm received by the
1093-1094 King 434

§ 3. The Assembly at Hastings and the second Norman Campaign. 1094.

Events of the year 1094; affairs of Normandy; their
connection with Anselm 434-435

Christmas, Robert's challenge of William; war decreed 435-436

Contributions collected for the war; Anselm unwilling
to contribute; he at last gives five hundred
pounds 437-438

William first accepts the money and then refuses it 438-440

Dispute with Bishop Maurice of London; judgement
of Wulfstan 440-441

February 2
1094 Assembly at Hastings; fleet delayed by the wind 441-442

February 11 Consecration of the church at Battle; William and
Anselm at Battle 442-445

February 3, Death of Bishop Geoffrey of Coutances; his successor
1093 Ralph at Hastings and Battle 444

February 12 Consecration of Robert Bloet to Lincoln; his gift to
the King; plot against Anselm; compromise with
York 445-446

1104-1123 Character and episcopate of Robert Bloet 447-448

Return of Bishop Herbert of Thetford; he is deprived
by the King 448

1094 His restoration; he removes his see to Norwich 448

February 17 The ceremonies of Ash-Wednesday; Anselm rebukes
the minions 449-450

Anselm's interview with the King; his silence about
the war 450-451