Page:The reign of William Rufus and the accession of Henry the First.djvu/35

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October 15

Anselm and the bishops and lords; speech of Walkelin;
the bishops' portrait of themselves; Anselm's
answer 586-588

Part of the lay lords; Anselm's promise to obey the
customs; he is charged with breach of promise;
alternatives given him 588-589

Anselm and the King; Anselm's discourse; answer
of Count Robert; the barons against Anselm 589-592

Anselm allowed to go, but the archbishopric to be
seized 592-593

Anselm's last interview with Rufus; he blesses him 593-594

Anselm at Canterbury; he takes the pilgrim's staff 594

His treatment at Dover; he crosses to Whitsand 595

The King seizes the archbishopric; Anselm's acts
declared null; the monks keep Peckham 595-596

Rebuilding of the choir of Christ Church; works of
Prior Ernulf 596-597

Comparison of the trials of William of Saint-Calais,
Anselm, and Thomas 597-605

Anselm does not strictly appeal to the Pope 598

He asserts no clerical privilege 599

Question of observing the customs 600

Comparison of the proceedings in each case 600-601

Architectural arrangements 601-602

Constitution of the assemblies; they become less
popular; lessened freedom of speech 602-603

The inner and outer council; foreshadowing of Lords
and Commons 603-604

The Witan and the Theningmannagemót 604

Behaviour of Rufus, of Henry the First, of Henry
the Second 605

Effect on Anselm of his foreign sojourn 606

His journey; dealings of Odo of Burgundy; he
reaches Rome 607

Councils of Lateran and Bari; story of the cope of
Beneventum 607-610

Position of Rufus; he is never excommunicated;
probable effect of excommunication 611-612

Anselm at Lyons; his letters to the Pope 612

His letters to the King from Rome; William's treatment
of the letters 613

Mission of William of Warelwast 614-620

Nov., 1097-April,

William on the Continent 614

Anselm at Schiavia; he writes "Cur Deus Homo" 615

Anselm and Urban before Capua; Anselm and the
Saracens 615-617