Page:The reign of William Rufus and the accession of Henry the First.djvu/571

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The assembly adjourned. all sense and reason had gone away.[1] All that he could say who had so lately with curses and threats refused Anselm's plea for an adjournment was to propose an adjournment himself. It was night; let Anselm be bidden to go to his own quarters; they, the bishops, would spend the night in thinking over what Anselm had said, and in devising an answer on the King's behalf.[2] The assembly was accordingly prorogued till the next morning, and Anselm went to his own quarters, uncondemned, with his cause as yet unheard and unanswered, but comforted doubtless that he had put his enemies to silence, and that he had learned that the hearts of the people were with him.

March 13, 1095.

Debates in the inner council. Tuesday morning came, and Anselm and his companions took their seats in the accustomed place,[3] awaiting the King's bidding. That bidding was slow in coming. The debates in the King's closet were perplexed. The King and his inner counsellors were working hard to find some excuse for the condemnation of Anselm. The King asked the Bishop of Durham how he had passed the night;[4] but the night thoughts of William of Saint-Calais, sleeping or waking, did not bring much help to the royal cause. He confessed that he could find no way to answer Anselm's argument, all the more because it rested on holy writ and the authority of Saint Peter. We must always remember that the texts which Anselm quoted, and the interpretation which he put upon them, were in no way special to himself. Every

  1. Eadmer, Hist. Nov. 29. "Dunelmensis ita inprimis tepide et silenter per singula loquebatur, ut omnis humanæ prudentiæ inscius et expers putaretur."
  2. "Cogitabimus pro te usque ad mane."
  3. "Mane reversi sedimus in solito loco exspectantes mandatum regis. At ille cum suis omnimodo perquirebat quid in damnationem Anselmi componere posset, nec inveniebat."
  4. "Requisitus Willielmus Dunelmensis quid ipse, ex condicto, noctu egerit apud se."