Page:The reign of William Rufus and the accession of Henry the First.djvu/580

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King's presence.

The lay lords propose a "truce."

Adjournment till May 20. to the royal presence.[1] Anselm was tossed to and fro between the hope of leaving the kingdom and the fear of staying in it. Eadmer was eager to know what would be the end of the whole matter.[2] They set forth and reached the castle. They were not however, at first at least, admitted to the presence-chamber, but sat in their wonted place. Before long the lay nobles, accompanied by some of the bishops, came to Anselm. They were grieved, they said, as old friends of his, that there had been any dispute between him and the King. Their object was to heal the breach, and they held that the best means towards that object was to agree to an adjournment—a truce, a peace[3]—till a fixed day, during which time both sides should agree to do nothing which could be counted as a breach of the peace. Anselm agreed, though he said that he knew what kind of peace it would be.[4] But it should not be said of him that he preferred his own judgement to that of others. To all that his lord the King and they might appoint in the name of God he would agree,[5] saving only his obedience to Pope Urban. The lords approved; the King agreed; he pledged his honour to the observance of the peace till the appointed day, the octave of Pentecost. The day seems to have been chosen in order that the other business of the Whitsun Gemót might

  1. Eadmer, Hist. Nov. 31. "Ecce principes a latere regis mane directi"—the style of Emperors and Popes.
  2. "Ascendimus, inimus, et supremam de negotio nostro sententiam avidi audire, in quo soliti eramus loco consedimus." The word "ascendimus" might show that Anselm's lodgings were at some point lower than the castle.
  3. "Inducias utrimque de negotio dari quatenus hinc usque ad definitum aliquod tempus inter vos pace statuta."
  4. "Pacem atque concordiam non abjicio; veruntamen videor mihi videre quid ista quam offertis pax habeat in se."
  5. "Concedo suscipere quod domino regi et vobis placet pro pacis custodia secundum Deum statuere"—Anselm's invariable reservation.