Page:The religious life of King Henry VI.djvu/151

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blessed Henry," etc., and the prayer in Latin:

"O Omnipotent and merciful God, who hast in numerous ways rendered the blessed Henry King and Martyr illustrious by Thy glorious miracles, and hast mercifully at his saving petition given health to the sick. Grant, we beseech Thee, that when we honour him by our prayers we may be assisted by his help in every temptation, difficulty, and adversity, and progress by the example of his life. Per Deum, etc." This is followed on the same Roll by another hymn under the title "another prayer of Kynge Harre." The saintly servant of God is invoked as "Christi servus et amicus, clarens jam miraculis"; as "Vir magnae sanctitatis; vivit regno daritatis in coelorum patria," and his many miracles are extolled: "Visum reddet excaecatis, claudis gressum et curvatis; lasis fert auxilium; aegros sancit et languores; febres fugat graviores; procul in exilium." Then the hymn continues in praise of his virtuous life:

Hic in vita multa passus,
Caritate nunquam lassus
Inimicos diligit.
Ejus pictas et benigna
Mira mundo dedit signa

Quod sic pati voluit.