Page:The reports of the Society for Bettering the Condition and Increasing the Comforts of the Poor (IA b21971961 0001).pdf/145

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and became dangerously ill of the fever. As the wife (who was far advanced in her pregnancy) and the rest of the inhabitants of the room, might be supposed to be in hourly danger of infection; I proposed, therefore, (the House of Recovery being now ready) as the most likely method of saving the lives of the two women so dangerously affected, and of preventing the rest from receiving the infection, that the sick persons should be instantly removed into the House of Recovery. With every expression of joy and gratitude, the parents of both the patients accepted the offer, and they were accordingly removed without suffering any injury, or apparent inconvenience by the removal,

"Mary West, the wife of a soldier belonging to the Manks Fencibles, was infected with fever from attending her husband, who had recovered, and was ordered to join the regiment.—She had been driven out of doors upon the symptoms of fever appearing, and was refused admittance