Page:The reports of the Society for Bettering the Condition and Increasing the Comforts of the Poor (IA b21971961 0001).pdf/150

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Recovery, in diminishing the proportion of the fever patients in the Infirmary. It appears from the Physician's books of the Infirmary, that in January 1796 (before the establishment of the House of Recovery) the whole number of the home patients at the Manchester Infirmary, was 296, of which 226 were cases of fever; and that, in January 1797, the number of their home patients was 161; and, of these, only 57 were cases of fever.

From the opening of the House of Recovery, on the 19th of May 1796, to the 2d of Nov. 1797, 542 fever patients have been admitted. Of these 465 have been cured and sent home; 48 (and there were some very bad cases) have died; and 29 were, on the 2d instant, remaining in the house. The account therefore up to the 2d instant stands thus:

cured and discharged 465 dead 48 remaining in the house 29 total admitted 542