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take it for granted, that if ever you see a man and woman, or as you may call it, husband and wife, separate from each other, the devil is in the midst, for he is the author of confusion, and that is the reason they cannot have any peace, for one wrong never rights a wrong on the other hand. One right rule well followed will right a thousand wrong ones, by which millions may receive comfort, in time and in eternity. God help us, that is, in the path to keep in it, then we can mind the things that is most needful for both soul and body, for he will convince the world of sin and of righteousness, and of a judgment to come: the Holy Ghost by his coming brought over many thousand. 1st. To a sense of their sins in not believing in Christ. 2. To a conviction of the justice of Christ now sitting at the right hand of his father. 3i To a right apprehension of the judgment prepared for those who choose to follow satan, who is already judged and condemned—God delivered up his son, and his son delivered up himself for the love of us arid for the sake of our salvation; and so Christ being delivered up he was holy and it was God's own determination, but those who betrayed and crucified him did wickedly, following therein their own malice and the instigation of the devil; not the will and determination of God, who was by no means the author of their wickedness, though he permitted it because he could and did draw out of it so great a good, the salvation of man, having overcome the grievous pains of all the powers of hell, and gave full commission unto the apostle? to go out into the world and exclaim unto the people that there was a high and living way whereby they may get to heaven.

Peter being one of the twelve: on a certain time it pleased God to instill something more into Peter than ever, and that by a vision. Acts. 10. "Then Peter openeth his mouth and said of a truth, T perceive that God is no respector of persons, but in every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted with him;" that is to say not only Jew but Gentile; also of what nation soever are acceptable to God, if they fear him and work righteousness, but then true faith is always to be presupposed; without faith, which saith St. Paul, it is impossible to please God; because then of the error of those who would infer