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deceived are the Lord's, and it is he that maketh one man poor and another rich, that bringeth down and lifteth up, and no man can add to the fixed statute of God whether the statute be in grace or providence. The battle, saith the wise man, is not to the strong nor the race to the swift, nor bread to men of skill, the weak are often sure to win the field and the cripple to win the heavenly race, and even fools to accumulate the greatest fortunes. There is no adding a cubit to the statute even in the least circumstance, then why take ye thought for the rest? and now the reader will please to take notice by pursuing these pages, that it should be attended by much prayer; feeling myself small among men and particularly to the learned, when considering my inability; I can make out to write my name, but being impressed by the spirit of God for some years to set before you life and death, in the way of a small treatise, and I hope that it will prove the happy power of God unto salvation to many souls. Many of the readers of this pamphlet may suppose this attempt was attended with a great deal of self, but my blessed master who stands at the helm of affairs to them that love and serve him, I often times say, as Moses said, "thou God seest me," also it is likely this treatise may fall into the hands of the critic, if so I pray to my God while he is a criticising that God may break down his obdurate heart if not a christian, and that his chains may fly off although they are made fast by the devil, likeunto the man that Christ spake unto "come out of the man thou unclean spirit," see Mark 3 ch. 8 vs. also this treatise may fall into the hands of some enemy to the cross of Christ, if so, I hope they will take in consideration the things that makes for their everlasting peace, now hold fast all things that are good, and if there is any thing that will not be beneficial throw it away and do not stumble over it and go down to hell, for I love your souls although I am of the Ethiopian race, and never had the chance of being; taught in the Colleges or Academies and taught the rudiments and sciences &c. unlike to Paul who was brought up at the feet of Gamaliel, one of the judges of the Sanhedren, neither like our great men of America who have been taught all these rudiments and are now capable of taking their station in any department of life