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wilful apostacy, from the known truth, after which, as we cannot be baptized again, we cannot expect to have that abundant remission of sin9 which Christ purchased by his death, applied to our souls in that ample manner as it is in baptism, but we have further all manner of reason to look for a dreadful judgment, the more, because apostate from the known truth seldom or ever, have the grace to return to it. Heb. 10; also, 6. "Therefore, leaving the principle of the doctrines of Christ, let us go on unto perfection, the word of the beginning, the first rudiments of the the christian doctrine." It is impossible for such as have aposted from the faith, after having received many great graces, to return again to the happy state from which they fell. Under the conduct of Moses they received baptism in figure, by passing under the cloud and through the sea, and they partook of the body and blood of Christ, because it was a figure; by eating of the manna, called spiritual food here, because it was a figure of the true bread which came down from heaven; and drinking the water miraculously bro't out of the rock, called here a spiritual rock, because it was also a figure of Christ. 1 Cor. 10. The evangelist, that is, the preacher of the gospel, the same who converted the Samaritan and baptised the eunuch, being one of the seven, first deacons. 21st chap, of Acts.

The young man thought on the subject of marriage, and general observations of impiety. Prov 28. Religious integrity. The wicked flee when no man pursuedth, but the righteous are as bold as a lion, and remembereth he that covereth his sins, shall not prosper; and this is for us to consider the curse of God; but hear St. Paul on this subject. Gala. 2: 17. "But if while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves, also, are found sinners. Is therefore Christ the minister of sin, God forbid, for if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. St. Math. 7: 12. Now let us, as christians, therefore, take the word of God for our counsel and keep anti-Christ, always behind us, by our strength in Christ the Son of God, which is the only rock of the true believer, for we as ministers of God, are commanded to bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples. Isaiah 8: 16. Dear christians, here is good news for the true believer in Christ while here on earth,