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the Lord has appointed out to all such who love unrighteousness and the wages of. them. John 3: 18, 20; Rev. 20: 12, 14, 15; Now if any man doeth these things his name is not written in the book of life. O! the wages of unrighteousness with Balaam. 2 Pet. 2: 3. While you read these lines, judge for yourselves lest ye fall into eternal fire. O! come ye sinners while you have time, for remember that Judas by trangression fell. Here is so much for the heresies of anti-Christ. For I say there is no warrant in scripture for parting man and wife, only for what Christ said, that is, for fornication. Math. S: 32; do. 19: 9; Jer. 3: S; Mark 10: 11; Luke 16: 17, 18 Now read these chapters and hear the conclusion of the whole matter, and it ends in this text: 1st Eps. of John, 2: 22. Here is the great record of all them who are liars, but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ, he is anti- Christ that denieth the Father and the Son.

I remember that God said let there be light and there was light, and the devil has tryed with all his craft to light out, but it burns yet, and the reason the devil missed putting out the light, God had chosen the weak things of this world to confound the mighty, and that the world by wisdom knew not God, and therefore, the things of God will stand, although Thomas Payne and Voltaire, and the anti-Christ, have done all they knew to kill the prophets and destroy the people of God, and burning the bible, and after all this the secret things still belong unto the Lord, and this was the great reason that their wisdom fails and they still remain in darkness. Deut. 2: 29. And after all their evil works of killing the prophets and sawing asunder the people, the work of the Lord went forth like fire, and the people of God rejoicing and giving glory to him, for the gospel day was .nigh at hand, and the anti-Christ did tremble for fear, O rejoice, ye people of God, for he that loves God indeed, his soul shall dwell at ease. This is the great confidence that the people have in Him, that he will deliver them in the time of trouble. Math. 33: 27, 29, 33, 34. Now the reward of anti-Christ, for they shall not escape that day, for the parting of man and wife will then be over with them. Isa. 66: 24. And we read how the Lord defended the rights of his church near 1,926 years before the coming of Christ, by giving power