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a multitude of sins, and as long as we have all sinned and have come short of the glory of God, it is right that whosoever gets knowledge from God it is a duty encumbent upon him to do all to teach others of our fellow creatures that men are dependent on on each other, like one man's hand; if one finger is affected the whole system feels the shock, and so in the christian church, if one member is defective the whole feels it, either by getting drunk, lying, stealing, violating the sabbath, taking God's name in vain, or committing adultery, or the man with two wives or the woman with three husbands, or by pride, self righteousness and self-exaltation; these are the capital crimes, if a man dies with these sins, he must undoubtedly go to hell. "For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell." Deut. 32 c. 22 v. This is the consequence of all those that live and die in their sins. Now, dear reader, seriously consider upon the value of your soul, the shortness and uncertainty of time, and the duty which you all owe to God, with the awful consequence of living and dying in sin. Now for God's sake, from this time resolve, by the help of God, that you will serve him by breaking off from all evil practices, and by shunning all unnecessary wicked company and begin to close every day with God, having your minds solemnly fixed on him, and your hearts drawn out in fervent prayer after him, to seek to know God, will every day convince you with a fixed determination through the help of Christ, to do it with joy; to live to-day as you would wish to die to-morrow, daily expecting to give an account to the Supreme Judge of the universe, that it may be well with you here in death, and then in the world to come. God will be thy friend; this is the consolation of every christian that has lived in this world, and while receiving the whole communion, there is but one table, and we ought so to consider it, for Christ had his table in the wilderness and led five thousand without any respect to persons, with five barley loaves and two small fishes; and Jesus said make the men sit down; now there were much grass in the place so the men sat down about five thousand in number, and Jesus took the loaves and when he had given thanks he distributed to the deciples and the deciples to them that were set down, and likewise of the fishes; and when they