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217. What text-books may be purchased by school officers under the provisions of this law?
218. By what vote of the district meeting may the purchase of free text books be authorized?
219. May a district that has once voted to furnish free text-books, return to the former plan of requiring pupils to furnish their own books?
220. What penalty may be inflicted upon school officers who refuse to obey the instructions of the district meeting as to the purchase of free text-books?
221. How many districts in Michigan furnish free text-books?
222. How, in your opinion, should text-books be supplied to pupils?
223. Do you believe in state publication of text-books?
234. What provision is made by law for the teaching of the modes by which dangerous diseases are spread?
225. Who furnishes the printed matter to the schools?
226. Who is the principal officer of the state board of health? Where is his office?
237. By whom is the state manual and course of study published? Have you ever seen a copy of it?
228. What is done with the surplus of the dog tax fund?
229. Which section of each township was set apart as a “school” section?
230. What are necessary appendages to a school house?
231. Which officer is authorized to provide necessary apparatus?
232. Should a dictionary be considered as a “necessary appendage” such as a director may purchase without a vote of the district?
233. Select from the following list such articles as a director may purchase without the consent of the voters of the district meeting: maps, globe, organ, stove, desks, wall pictures, case for library books, towels, water-pail, books for library.
234. Are the following necessary appendages: line-fence, well, out-houses?