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VACANCY IN OFFICE. When a vacancy occurs in the office of examiner, the commissioner and remaining examiner, together with the judge of probate, act as a board to appoint a successor, who shall hold his office for the balance of the unexpired term.

The examiners assist the commissioner in the work of conducting examinations and issuing certificates (Act 66, 1895). The duties of the board as to the granting of teachers’ certificates will be discussed in another chapter.

Township Board of School Inspectors.

The state constitution (Art. 11, Sec. 1) provides for the election of a township clerk who shall be ex-officio school inspector, and for the election of one school inspector; the statute (684a) in addition to this declares that the term of office shall be two years. The board of school inspectors, therefore, consists of the township clerk and two inspectors. Women are eligible to hold the office (782).

ORGANIZATION. The organization of the board must be effected within twenty days after the first Monday in April. The township clerk is the clerk of the board, and the board shall elect one of their number chairman. The chairman is also the treasurer of the board (5079) and as such is the proper custodian of the township library money (30 Mich. 100).

TREASURER’S BOND. The treasurer is required to give a bond for the safe keeping of the moneys that may come into his hands.


By Act No. 147, Laws of 1891, the chairman of the board of inspectors is required:

SUPERVISORY CHARGE. First, To have general supervisory charge of the schools of his township, subject to such advice and direction as the county commissioner may give:

  1. Note.—City and township school districts which have been incorporated as such by special enactment, have various provisions defining the powers and duties, election and term of office of school inspector. In some of these, as in Act No. 176, Laws of 1891, the duties of the inspectors are performed by another set of officers. The student is referred to page 636 of the manual (red book) for 1893 for an index to the local acts of the legislature establishing city school districts.