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two years; and such school district and its officers shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges, and immunities, and be subject to all the duties and liabilities conferred upon school districts by law (5037; 81 Mich. 889).

A district organized under the laws of Michigan, has a corporate existence and possesses the usual powers of a corporation for public purposes (5039).


These are effected by the inspectors, under certain regulations and restrictions. After a district has exercised its corporate functions for several years, its boundaries should not be altered for trivial reasons. The official acts of inspectors in the change of district boundaries are therefore quite carefully guarded by the statutes.

NOTICE OF MEETING. Whenever the board of school inspectors contemplates an alteration of the boundaries of a district, the township clerk (and for meetings of boards to act in relation to fractional districts, clerks of the several townships interested) gives at least ten days' notice of the time and place of the meeting of the inspectors, and of the alterations proposed, by posting such notice in three public places in the township or townships, one of which notices is posted in each of the districts that may be affected by such alteration. Whenever the board of school inspectors of more than one township meet, they elect one of their number chairman and another clerk (5040).


The inspectors may, in their discretion, detach the property of any person or persons from one district and attach It to another, except that no land which has been taxed for building a school house can be set off into another school district for the period of three years thereafter, without the consent of the owner thereof; and no district can be divided into two or more districts without the consent of a majority of the resident taxpayers of said district;