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BUSINESS TO BE TRANSACTED. At this meeting the township school officers are chosen, the amount of money to be raised by tax for school purposes is determined, and the annual detailed report of the board of education is publicly read by the president of the board or, in his absence, by the clerk (Act 176, 1891).

IN DISTRICTS UNDER SPECIAL ACT. Districts in cities organized by special legislative enactment, hold annual meetings on the date specified in the act.

CENSUS. The time of taking the annual school census by the director and school officers is the same in all districts of the state, being the ten days previous to the first Monday in September.

SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings may be called by the district board. It is the duty of the board or any one of them, to call such meetings on the written request of not less than five legal voters of the district, by giving the required notice. No special meeting can legally be called, unless the business to be transacted may lawfully come before such meeting (5047).


FOR DISTRICT MEETINGS. Six days’ notice of all district meetings must be given by the posting of written notices in three of the meetings. most public places of the district. These notices are prepared by the director, and one copy is placed on the outer door of the school house.

FOR SPECIAL MEETINGS. When a special meeting is called for the purpose of establishing or changing a school site, a ten days’ notice is required.

WHEN GIVEN. It is the duty of any school officer, upon receiving a request signed by five legal voters, to call such meeting on a date between six and twelve days from the time such request is received.