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tendent of Public Instruction; and this money shall be exclusively applied to the support of the township and district libraries, and to no other purpose (Act 15, 1895).

VOTING OF TAX. The qualified voters of each township have power at any annual township meeting, to vote a tax for the support of township libraries; and the qualified voters of any school district, in which a district library has been established, have power at any annual meeting of such district, to vote a district tax for the support of the district library. When any tax for libraries has been voted, it is reported to the supervisor, levied, and collected in the same manner as other township and school district taxes (5147).

ANNUAL APPORTIONMENT. The Superintendent of Public Instruction annually and previous to the tenth day of May, transmits to the clerk of each county a statement of the townships in his county that are entitled to receive library moneys, giving the number of children in each of such townships between the ages of five and twenty years, as appears from the reports of the boards of school inspectors for the school year last ending; the clerk files such statement in his office, and furnishes a copy of the same to the county treasurer (5145). The statements also indicate the various districts of the townships that are entitled to receive a portion of the moneys apportioned to the townships.

FORFEITURE. In case the board of school inspectors of any township or district board of any school district, fails to make the required report, or in case it appears from the reports so made that any township or district has failed to use the library money in strict accordance with the law, such township or district forfeits its share of the library moneys that are apportioned, and the same shall be apportioned to the several other townships and districts in the county. The constitution has provided that library moneys may be used for general school purposes, if the township board shall so determine (Art. 11, section 12).