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isn't that Newman, the coach, they're talking to?"

"Where? Yes, by Jove, it is! He's looking up here now!"

"Put your head down! Don't let him see that white thatch of yours, Lanny!"

"I will not!" declared Lanny defiantly. "I'm not doing anything I'm ashamed of!"

"I suppose not," muttered Chester, "only, just the same, I sort of feel as if I were!"

"Buck up!" chuckled Lanny. "Here comes the Smart Aleck who went down to tell. Now watch the excitement when the glad news gets out!"

The boy in question pushed his way back to his seat and his companions leaned eagerly toward him. But, although Lanny and Chester frankly listened, they could hear only low whispering and, finally, chuckles. Lanny frowned.

"What are they choking about?" he asked. "They evidently think they've got a great joke on us."

"Probably think we don't know they're on to us. There goes the kick-off."

Lanny, however, was stealing a look toward his neighbors and was puzzled to find them all observing him with amusement. The boy next to him but one nodded impudently as he met Lanny's gaze.