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crutches beside him, and listened doubtfully to the insistence of Lanny White, George Cotner and Gordon Merrick.

"There's no use in your saying you can't do it, Dick," declared Lanny, "because you can. We understand that you don't know football as well as Joe Farrell does, and of course you've never played it, but you do know a lot about it theoretically and you've followed the game for years. What we want is someone in authority, even if he doesn't know everything and can't get into togs himself, and you're just the fellow, Dick. Every chap on the team would be tickled to death to take orders from you. Look at the way you had us crawling around on our tummies last summer when you managed the nine! Hang it, Dick, you've just got to do it! There's no one else, I tell you!"

"Lanny's right," said George earnestly. "What we need is a fellow who can sort of sit up aloft, as it were, and see how things are going and tell us when we're making mistakes. And we need to get up a plan of battle, too, work out a campaign. Why, as it is now, we're just going along from game to game and trusting to luck. Lanny can't play football and coach too."