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money will go to charitable objects. I trust that I have not displeased your reverence.”

“You have acted unwisely, my daughter, but in your present condition this is not surprising. Had I been with you, I should have counselled you differently. Your offence has been merely the result of physical weakness, and is therefore pardonable. If you will promise that you will not leave your fortune to that heretic if he continues in wilful sin, I will grant you absolution.”

“I promise.”

An unusual noise was heard in the courtyard. Voices were raised and doors were hastily opened and closed.

“Francis has come!” said the Princess. “Leave me, I pray you, Monseigneur, but remain within call. Bid Gretchen to admit my guest without delay.”

Her commands were obeyed, and shortly the dying woman and the Prince of Aremburg were face to face. The young stranger was certainly attractive. His figure, though slight, was well proportioned, and there was a dignity and grace in every movement. His face, with its aristocratic curves, bore a striking resemblance to the deceased Prince of Aremburg. Its expression was sweet, yet there were firm lines about the mouth, indicative of an ability to decide and to abide by his decisions with the courage born of conviction.