Page:The silent prince - a story of the Netherlands (IA cu31924008716957).pdf/51

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The Huguenot preacher had some difficulty in quieting his terrified flock. They all sprang to their feet as one man, and catching sight of the handsome, richly attired nephew of their enemey, Baron Berlaymont, the cry arose on all sides, “We are betrayed! Seize him!”

“Not so, brethren,” said Francis Junius as he went forward and placed his hand on the lad's shoulder. “Hugo Berlaymont desires to know the truth, and once convinced of the truth he will cast in his lot with us. It was with my permission that he came here to-night. Greet him as a brother.”

With an impulsive movement Hugo flung his arms about the preacher in loving admiration. Then he turned to meet the questioning faces about him.

“Fear me not, I am no traitor. I long to be a friend and a brother to every one present.”

With a quick revulsion of feeling, hard, horny hands were eagerly extended on every side to grasp that of the young lord. Distinction of rank