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The Household Library

Philosophy, Religion, and Sociology.

Blackie. Self-culture.

Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy.

Cobbett. Advice to Young Men.

Drummond. Natural Law in Spiritual World.

Jevons. Principles of Science.

à Kempis. Imitation of Christ.

Kidd. Social Evolution.

Lewes. History of Philosophy.

Marcus Aurelius. Thoughts.

Montesquieu. Spirit of Laws.

Morison. Service of Man.

Plato. Republic (Golden Treasury).

Robertson. Elements of Philosophy.

Smiles. Self-help.

Smith. Wealth of Nations.

Spencer. Education.

—— Study of Sociology.

Taylor. Holy Living and Dying.

History and Travel.

Borrow. Bible in Spain.

Brassey. Voyages in the 'Sunbeam'.

Bryce. American Commonwealth.

Burnaby. A Ride to Khiva.

Carlyle. French Revolution.

Cook. Voyages round the World.

Darwin. Naturalist's Voyage.

Dufferin. Letters from high Latitudes.

Duruy. History of France.

Escott. England: its People, etc.

Freeman. Sketch of European History.

Froissart. Chronicles.

Froude. Oceana.

Gardiner. Outline of English History.

Gibbon. Roman Empire.

Green. Short History of English People.

Kinglake. Eothen.

Loftie. History of London.

Macaulay. History of England.

McCarthy. History of our own Times.

Motley. Dutch Republic.

Oman. History of Greece.

Ramsay. Reminiscences of Scottish Life.

Scott. Tales of a Grandfather.

Stevenson. Edinburgh.

—— Inland Voyage.

—— Travels with a Donkey.

Taine. Notes on England.

Twain. Tramp Abroad.

Wallace. Russia.

Whiteing. Life of Paris.

Whymper. Scrambles amongst the Alps.