Page:The songs of a sentimental bloke (1917).djvu/140

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Twig.—To observe; to espy.

Two-up School.—A gambling den.

Umpty.—An indefinite numeral.

Upper-cut.—In pugilism, an upward blow.


Up to us.—Our turn; our duty.

Vag, on the.—Under the provisions of the Vagrancy Act.

Wallop.—To beat, chastise.

Waster.—A reprobate; an utterly useless and unworthy person.

Waterworks, turn on the.—To shed tears.

Welt.—A blow.

Wet, to get.—To become incensed; ill-tempered.

Whips.—Abundance .

White (white man).—A true, sterling fellow.

White-headed boy.—A favourite; a pet.

Willin'.—Strenuous; hearty.

Win, a.—Success.

Wise, to get.—To comprehend; to unmask deceit.

Wolf.—To eat.

Word.—To accost with fair speech.

Wot price.—Behold; how now!

Yakker.—Hard toil.

Yap.—To talk volubly.

Yowling.—Wailing; caterwauling.

Printed in Great Britain by Butler & Tanner, Frome and London