Page:The songs of a sentimental bloke (1917).djvu/41

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"IWISH'T yeh meant it, Bill." Oh, 'ow me 'eart
Went out to 'er that ev'nin' on the beach.
I knoo she weren't no ordinary tart,
My little peach!
I tell yeh, square an' all, me 'eart stood still
To 'ear 'er say, "I wish't yeh meant it, Bill."

To 'ear 'er voice! Its gentle sort o' tone,
Like soft dream-music of some Dago band.
An' me all out; an' 'oldin' in me own
'Er little 'and,
An' 'ow she blushed! O, strike! it was divine
The way she raised 'er shinin' eyes to mine.

'Er eyes! Soft in the moon; such boshter eyes!
An' when they sight a bloke… O, spare me days
'E goes all loose inside; such glamour lies
In 'er sweet gaze.
It makes 'im all ashamed uv wot 'e's been
To look into the eyes of my Doreen.