Page:The songs of a sentimental bloke (1917).djvu/59

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Me jealous? Jealous of that cross-eyed cow!
I set 'im 'cos I couldn't sight 'is face.
'Is yappin' fair got on me nerves, some'ow.
I couldn't stand 'im 'angin' round 'er place.
A coot like that!… But it don't matter much,
She's welkim to 'im if she fancies such.

I swear I'll never track wiv 'er no more;
I'll never look on 'er side uv the street—
Unless she comes an' begs me pardin for
Them things she said to me in angry 'eat.
She can't ixpeck fer me to smooge an' crawl.
I ain't at any woman's beck an' call.

Wimmin! I've took a tumble to their game.
I've got the 'ole bang tribe uv cliners set!
The 'ole world over they are all the same:
Crook to the core the bunch of 'em—an' yet,
We could 'a' been that 'appy, 'er an' me…
But wot's it matter? Ain't I glad I'm free?

A bloke wiv common-sense 'as got to own
There's little 'appiness in married life.
The smoogin' game is better left alone,
Fer tarts is few that makes the ideel wife.
An' them's the sort that loves wivout disguise,
An' thinks the sun shines in their 'usban's' eyes.