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O lovely land of Canada
May joy and peace be thine,
May the sun of bright prosperity
O’er thy Dominion shine.
May thy sons be brave and noble,
Thy daughters, true and kind,
And the love of home and country
Our hearts in friendship bind.

Good Luck.

While passing through a meadow
All wet with early dew,
I espied this four-leaved clover
And gathered it for you.

They say a four-leaved clover
Brings fortune, fair and true,
And so with loving wishes
I send it, dear, to you.

Oh! May it bring you best of luck,
And health and wealth galore;
May all that’s beautiful and bright
For you be held in store.

May happiness be always thine,
And peace your steps attend,
And Heaven’s choicest blessings rest
On you, my dearest friend.