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Than ever was seen on Earth before,
For our King is coming to rule once more,
So build us a palace, grand and great,
Where our King can rule in royal state.”

And the toilers labored with all their might
Through many a weary day and night,
And the palace walls rose high and grand
’Neath the wondrous skill of brain and hand,
And the feast was spread in the banquet hall
Where the rich and mighty assembled all,
And luxury, warmth and light were there,
And the glimmer and gleam of jewels rare,
In costliest garments all were dressed
Waiting to welcome the Kingly Guest,
And the sheen of garments, rich and grand,
The labor of woman’s toil-worn hands,
And the bells rang out in joyous mirth
To welcome the Prince of Peace to Earth.

And the work of the weary slaves was o’er.
Their masters needed their toil no more;
All was in readiness for the guest,
And the weary slaves, for a while might rest.
“Hasten,” they said, “from the palace door,
All ye who are lowly-born and poor.
When the King arrives in royal state
It is fitting that none but the rich and great,
The ruler, the statesman, the scribe and priest,
Should sit with Him at the royal feast;
So depart, ye slaves, from the palace door,
Go, seek your homes in the haunts of the poor,
Lest your garments worn and your faces thin
Should offend His eyes as He enters in.”