Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/104

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tions, both as to the crimes and the prices, bj the Protestants of Germany and France/'—^ the reader knom preHp well whether by Pro^ teetants only — end as frequently condemned by the See of Rome'* — cmd the reader equally knows how far this is true, even if shelter be emght under the condemnations of the Pro- testant reprints. But we proceed. It is proper that Mr. Clayton/' (the gentleman at- tacked,) and his friends should know, that the Pope's Court of Chancery has no more to do, nor pretends to have any thing more to do, with the forgiveness of sins, than his Majesty's Court of Chancery does." A little more^ by the leave of this polemic errant^ who never stuck at any things if a Roman writer^ Ciam* PIN us, Ue S, R. E. Vice-cancellario, Romae, 1697y be right, who affirms that officer to have jurisdiction over the officials of the Pceniten^ tiary, and states as one €S the Rules of office, qtiod possit comtnittere absolutionem illormn, qtu ignoranter, &e. pp. 52, 53. But the case before the Vicar A., and before us, was, and is^ not concerning, or concerning in a very slight degree, the Pope's Chancery, but the Fq^'s Pemitentiary / which latter the apolo* gist very dexterously, as he well knew how.