Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/110

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that we become more firnily established in oiir lUMrtjt and in a sted&st and vigwous re8ola«» tion^ in dependence^ personally^ upon divine grace and a &voahng Providence, to guard a§iinat; and remst to the utmost^ every attempt, of every kind, to reinstate a corrupt and tyran-* nical diurek in power, of vhich she knows but one use — a church, (and in that we compre- hend ibfi court with which she is inseparably united,) which, for her heresies, barbarities, blas- phemy, and pollution, shameless and avowed, almost deserves, in allusion to her own arrogant assmnption, and with the vanation which truth requires, to be regarded as a church — if a church at all, and not rather a congregation of malignants — Inira c^uam nemo salvus esse potest The blot upon tiie British Statute book, the Anti-christian bill of 1829, was made a law of the realm, April 13th of that year. But it was necessary ! Who made it so ? What proof was produced, or is producible, that it was so ? And if so, what then ? With the knowledge I 2