Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/112

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of this once Christian^ because Protestant country^ or rather government^ as &r as it was truly such, lias delivered it over to just punish- ment for its partial apostasy ; and its idol^ as usual, has become its plague. Its secularity^ its adoption of expediency as its supreme guide, its mental libertinism, have precipitated it into the pit, which itself has dug. Some provi- dences, or rather judgements, as the case now is, bear upon their forehead a legible inscrip* tion indicative of their meaning. And when the very individuals, by whose ministry the curse which we are considering was hung on the neck of England, are re-exalted to the very pinnacle, on which they effected the mischief, for no other apparent purpose than to be hurled from it at the very instant of their elevation, at the very time of the year, almost to a day, when the offence was committed, by the very indivi* duals whom themselves had introduced to legis- lative power, by a majority almost to a man constituted of that class, and by means of the violation c£ that very oath, which was their sheet-anchor, in failure of all others, that no violence would be offered to the established church, and, finally, by a coalition as base and ungrateful as was ever exhibited in a civilized