Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/114

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The following copy of the Taxb Sacbb Pkmtkxtiarie Afostolice is a Quarto of four folia^ or eight pages, in Gothic letter, and printed apparently by Marcellns Franck, or some other Roman and authorised printer^ by authority of Lbo X. My reasons for dus opin- ion are, the appearance of the type; the fact, that no originals of this production appear to have been issued after the pontificate of Leo; and the company in which my document is found. It is in a volume of collected pieces which I purchased about the year 1825, of Messrs. Longman and Co. The volume, by a printed paper on the first title page, appears to have belonged to the Library of the Catliedi'al of Toumay. The first piece is Liber cure pas- toralis divi Gregorii, &c* 1498; the second^ Ordin. Syn. Senoneas, 1524. Then follow more official papal tracts— Modus servandus, &c,; Termini Causarum, &c.; then the Tax£;; ChnrtianH^ is no longer under their protection^FhiteitantiiBm is at the mercy of Popety. The number of the euopHOi, adverted to above, may be swelled, but their individual guilt is not diluted by the union in vote of those, who, by extreme couxte»y, must {>a88 iQx pro* testantfi— jes, /or pratetianis I i