Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/134

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Bucoeflioni of St Pet» are not even now indifferaKt to temporal wealth, and that, should the opportu- nity occur to the Bomish priesthood in this country, of instating themselves in its tithes and emolum^ts, they would not fail to improve it. Eut these are future matters, and not yet quite settled. I only add, as a somewhat interesting peculiarity of the little volume before me, that it is a presentation copy, haying the autograph — Fcr Charles Butler^ Esq. B. Oradn>eU^ Bome^ 12 JAw. 1824/' Dr. Gradwell was at the time Hector of the English col- lege in Borne. He soon after came into England, and vas coadjutor to the V. A. of the London dis- trict, in which station he died in 1833, at the age of 57. He is spoken of with esteem; and in all that his peculiar faith could not, or did not, vitiate, he prohahly deserved the commendation bestowed upon him. I cannoty of course, be ignorant, that the doc- trines and practices which fmn the subject of tbc^ present volume, as well as all other peculiarities and enormities of the Church of Bome, co9tinne to be disguised, and softened, and vindicated, by her sons. It must be so, unless they are content to en- counter the palpable obligation to recant, together with all besides which such a course must cost. And it cannot be denied, that the defences put forth in mo- dem times, with a dexterous adaptation to modern taste and propensity, have some portion of f lausibi-