Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/136

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who was enlarging upon the history and qualities of Us suljecty and particularly the name it had ac- quired of beii^g " the Lion's provider," The man listened to his unwelcome informant with as much good humour as he could muster for a few minutes, and defended the genuiaeness of the animal with some energy and ability : but he found he had the worst of the argument, and feeling that it would not be for his advantage to prolong the discussion^ he broke it off abruptly, in an under-tone,— " Well, gentlemen, let it be a Jackal, if you please; ' and immediately resuming his direct attitude towards his audience, with no diminution of confidence or asser- tion, off he set, expatiating afresh, as if nothing had happened^ on the extraordinary qualities and habits of the animal which he had the honour to eschibit, an undoubted specimen of the celebrated Jackal, the Limits pramder, ko, &c. The name of Aymon is rather conspicuous in the present work. I had thought of referring particu- larly to his Tableau de la Cour de Rome, published anonymously, (mine is the second edition^ A la Haye, 1726,) for an account of the office of the Grand Fenitentiary, to be found pp. 169, and fol- lowing. My reason for menlioning him, or his work, here is, that the work has been represented as a satire. If by this term is meant to be understood^ that it is in any degree a fieium^ the insinuation is false. It may not be generally k^wu, that the vo-