Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/14

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X shewn, that the directions prescribed in the works adduced have the peeuiiarUff — that they are cam^ puborff; Aai the subjects of them aM to be matter of study and continued rumination ; that sJiame, reserve^ and luUw^l modeety are feprobatad, and to be dismissed or OTercome ; and Aat a 'partwu^ larity is to be observed tending alnncst necessarily to banish all the Mf^uatde isf tfirtme and to create crime together with a callosity in the coinniission of it> which constitutes the last stage of human de- pravity* It is not alone in Ciiaiioner, or Grother, or Dens, that the demoralisiiig lessons of the Sacram^t of Penance are inculcated. They are found in the ru- diments of instruction ibr the youtiis of Maynooth, pToyment, might soil pages upon pages with ike impurity of Dens alone.

  • " The confessional becomes the medium of numberless

abuses in the hands of the ignorant, the inexperienced, and the profligate. The doctrine of wrong is often inculcated instead of the doctrine of right ; the knowledge of vice is conveyed bjr ia- delicate interrogatories, and the profligate priest makes the con- fessional subservient to the gratiiication of his unruly appetites. The crime * solicitatio mulieris in trUnsnalV'^^ to fMcit a fe- flMle ia the tiribunar — ^is not of such rare occurrence, and would be very common, hnt for the dread of detection**— ^^aoLY, " Of Ootife«sion,^ In hm In^uiiy into the DilFercnce, ftt. f^. 151, 2. Let the least scnfulous of the apologists of Boom produce any- thing in Protestant works and tfao mmmmtimw» iaoluded ia them, similar^ in the most distant manner or dogree» to the penitentiary prodmiions toith their cireumftunoes referr^ to in thetc<!t - y fHiytaa» IWrootiwiifct ifi Hmei aadjwwa<»me wfflaotio»