Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/27

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additions bx0 highly repTehwsible* In the year 1824 was published a valuable pamphlet en- titled *^ A brief HisUirieal Reference to the Three Capital Offences of the Church of Rome ; the Sale of Indulgences/' &c. Under this first head is given a rather detailed, and, in the main, correct, aoconnt of the Roman Tax* Books, with additional and useful matter : but the authcnr, who a^somes the name of Rnsticns, does not appear to be acc^uainted with Mar- chand's discnssioa, and is therefore defective, as weU as, in some points, erroneous. Mar- chaud therefore still continues the principal author on the snbject ; and his work must be the foundation, on which any future similar work is to be raised. Bat however meritorious and successful his inquiry may be, it is not so full and correct as it might be. There is room for much important addition, some rectification of error, and some more accurate statement of fact. And these may be supplied^ partly from a careful examination of the well known and useful Annales Typographici of Panzer, and partly from a more accurate examination, in the editions which are accessible, of the Tax© themselves. This is the object which the author pro* poses to accomplish; and how far he has accom*