Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/29

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observations and statements^ however, to that effect, wan not be without their use. The power of absolving from sin in general, or firom any particular sin, upon considerations deemed equivalent or satisfactory, comes under the general head of Indulgences, which the later Bishops, or Pontiffs, of Rome, claim the prerogative of dispensing, on grounds, which themselves have stated. The species of Indul- gence known by the name of Jubilee, and which from being at first celebrated at the interval of fifty years, then at that of thirty-three, and afterwards, which has continued with one ex- ception to the present time, at that of a quar- ter of a century, is allowed, without dispute, to have been first instituted by Boniface VIII. in the year 1300. In the short Bull appointing this first Jubilee, the Pontiff begins by affirm- ing, — ^that, antiently, to the visitors of St* Peter's Church there were conceded great remissions and indulgences of sins — ^that these are renewed by him — and that this, and every future hundredth year, he (and his successors it is presumed; " have granted and will grant^ not only a fall and abundant, but the fhllest pardon of all the sins" of those who are truly penitent and confess^non solum plenam et