Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/32

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per Beatum Petrum c(Eli clavigerum^ ejosque 8ucce88ores, suos in tenit Vicarios^ commisit fidelibus salubriter dispensandum ; et propriidj et rationabilibus cansis, nunc pro totalis nnnc pro partiali remissione poens temporalis pro peccatas ^ebitse^ tam generaliter^ quam specia* liter, prout cum Deo expedire cognoscerent, ▼ere pcenitentibiis et oonfimis misericorcliter applicandum. Ad cujus quidem thesauri cumu* him Beatas Dei genetricis, omniumque dec* torum, a primo justo ad ultimum merita admi- niculum prostaie noecantur ; de cujua consump- tione," &c. These acre the most authentto expositions of the papal claims of indulgence ; and they are to be found in the Corpus Juris Canonici^ Extravag. Commun. lib. v. tit. ix. capp. 1 et 2«  It is remarkable, that in the latter of these documents, either abatement of claim or pru- dence, has limited the remission to temporal punishment. But in this, as in most other pretensions of the same nature, there is a con- venient generality, or glorious uncertainty. The doud may be made to. assume any figure which the imagination or interest suggests* But although these exhibitions of the claim are comparatiTelj recent^ they must neoeesa*