Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/46

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be attached to two B^^oln^ &c. mention/ed by Panzer, No. 416 and 422, under the year 1487, particularly as they are not mentioned by him in one of the Regule of the year 1491. v. Regule Ordd. et Constitt. Cane. S. D. N« D. Innocentii div. piov. Pape VIII. &e. Lecte, &c. 28 Marcii^ 1489. FoL 35 a. Taxe Cancellarie Apostdice sequuntur. Et primo de gratiis expectativis. In fine fol. 18, a. Taxe C. A. finiunt feliciter* Steph. Planck. 4. VI. Regule, &c. cum Taxa. Rome, per Stephanum Planck^ 1491, in 4» Bibhoth. Im- per. p. 99. Biblioth. Hohendorfiana, tom. ii. p. 10« M. What Audiffiredi, in his Edd. Rom. SaBC, XV. adds, is important. After the Regule in the copy BibUoth. Alteriana follow, accord- ing to his representation, I. Taxe Cane. Apost. II, Taxe Sacare Penitentiare* III. Stilus Bo- mane Curie. — The character of the Regule and the Stilus is the same : that of the Taxe larger ; both Gothic, pp. 301, 2.* ^ On the anthoritj of the Bibliotheca Seleeta of Messrs. W. Bajnes and Son, puUiabed in 1826, Ko. 948, I add, Rtgule Ordin. et Const. Cancell. Alex. d. p. Papa VI. Rom. in campo Flor» per Euch. Silber alias Franck, 1499, with theii remark : Aiidiifiredi, Denis, and Panzen, noticing this scarce Tracts have omitted to mention the Table of the Taae CanceUarie, appended, which is executed in the same type, and probablj wad originally published with the ConBtitutioneStf^ This cop/