Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/69

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XLV. Taxes des Parties Casuelles de la Boutique du Pape^ Redigees par Jean XXil. et publiees par Leon X. selon laquelle on absout, &c. Par M. Julien de Saint Achenl. Paris, chez les Libraires de Theologie, 1820, in 8. This edition has restored the first part of the title of Du Pinet's, of which it is a re-impres- sion: but it is singularly unfortunate in the remainder, particularly in the implication, that these are the same Taxae as those published by Leo X. And it is • likewise a matter of sur- prise, that writing after Marchand, the editor should apparently have taken no advantage of the great accession of information on this sub- ject contained in the Diet. Historiqne. No advance whatever is made in critical informa- tion ; and the new matter might without loss have been spared. It occupies 528 pages with an Index. In the last edition of £ayie's Diet, in a note under Finet, we are informed that this edition appeared in Spanish in 1822. The very important MS. Collection of the Taxae in the British Museum will be shortly noticed, and presented in considerable detail. From an examination of the contents of several of the preceding volumes, it appears that they belong to two distinct classes.