Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/72

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be proper to observe, that as every new Pope claimed the right of enactmg new jReguis, Constitutiones, &c. so it is very far from impro- bable he might afiusame the hbeity of altering die Tarn* Of the contents of the subsequent editions to ihat of Leo. X. I must likewise profess mj ignorance : but of Leo's the reprint of S. du Mont wables ns to form a judgement. Whe- ther the order of the two portions, of which it ionsiets^ be isverted or not, is of little impor* tance. One has the title Taxae Cancellariae Apostolical indpiunt ; the other that of Tax® SacrsB pcenitentiarise Apostolicae incipiunt. The orthography is probably modernized as to the diphthongs. These two kinds of Taxae, how- ever, as here exhibited, appearing to be found in the more copious one of Paris, in 1520,— they certainly agree in all the articles of im- portance, and, as far as a very careful compa- rison win warrant the conclusion, appear to do so tluxmghoat— it will answer the same purpose, and in other respects will be more satis&ctory,

  • That this was the case is very evident, from an inspcctioii

of the Rogule, &c. of Innoc VIII. printed at Paris, 1499; poi^ ticularlj from the Prohemimn, and ftom the last Regula, con- taining BevoottdgQS of pimding cmes. See likewiie fiuUer.