Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/91

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125 ^equuntur Tasce Camere apliee cum ad eaH$ nataintibm probatis^imMB. 153, Et primo de Ahsolutionibus, Bulla ab8olutioiU8 [&c.] gr. xsau 153 Sequuniur aUe taxe penUenHarie ad naoitur facie in concilia Late- 162. ranen. 161. [There is much in this portion similar to what has preceded in foil. 123 ' and 124. Fol. 159 De ab^ohUioHU bus has repeatedly Ahsolutio a Rbatu, as petjuriiyfalsi^ aduUerii; and is understood evidently imder the commou lorm of pro illo qui^ &c. making it strictly personal.} Tom. IL 1. Hotu proprio &c. [The same as in the 1st volume, to which is sub- joined a note with the date of 1539 —it is in the same character as the former.] 2. T€iwe [in Italian.] Materia di Bolle minute, 3. LeMateria diPenitentiaria [branched into various heads.] 6. Ahsolutione dipiu sorte. [This includes the usual crimes; and there is a mixture of liatin.]