Page:The spiritual venality of Rome.djvu/99

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there, having expressly referred to the Centum Grayainina, he proceeds to say^ that all those charges might be considered as the fiction of the enemies of the Pope, were it not for a book printed, and for some time publicly exposed to sale at Paxis, entitled Tax® Cameras seu Can* cellarise Apostolicse, in which more wickedness may be learned than in all the summaries of all vices, and in which are proposed licence of sinning to most, and absolution to all who will buy it He wonders tbat this in&mons and jscandalous index of iniquity should be so far from being suppressed by the friends and rulers of the Roman church, that the licences and impunities for such abominations, continue to be renewed in the faculties granted to the Legates from Rome of absolvhig and rendering capable of ecclesiastical promotion all sorts, and even the most atrocious, of criminals^ He then calls upon Rome to blush, and cease any longer to prostitute herself by the publication of so infamous a catalogue. [ I give the original at length below,* and only remark, that it is evident from this pas-

  • Qnue soaiidala ex GfaYUDiiubiis Gemuuiicii pawim col*

l^eta, 1, 2, fi, 8». 67, 74, 75^ 84, 91, 96. Hne, inquara, lucm turpia, odio Pontifids Bmnaiii ficta Bint, ai noD, quod ait et cooqueritur ille, velut