Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/139

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A.D. 1284]

of all other the like Trespassers. Let Inquiry also be made of the Rights of our Lord the King withdrawn, as of Custodies, Wardships, Marriages; Reliefs, Fees, Advowsons of Churches, if any there be. Suits to the County and Commotes; who shall have withdrawn them, and from what time; and of them that shall have taken upon them to exercise Royalties without Warrant, as Gallows, Fines for Breach of the Assize of Bread and Beer; Plea of Vetitum Namium; and other the like Rights which specially and by Prerogative belong to the Crown of our Lord the King. The Sheriff in making his View and Turn, shall first cause to come together forthwith before him all the men of the whole Commote, and shall cause them to swear that they will true Presentment make to the twelve or more of the Jury chosen by the Sheriff; and that they will conceal nought that is true, nor say ought that is false, of those things that shall be given them in charge in behalf of our Lord the King; and the Oath being taken, the above written Articles shall be laid before them and they shall be charged to make diligent Inquiry upon each: and if they should find any who, for their Offence ought to lose Life or Limb, they shall intimate their Names to the Sheriff secretly; lest the Men so indicted should escape if they were present in the Turn and were indicted publicly. But of the rest of the Articles they may well declare their Answers openly and in publick, and return their Verdict; and then it shall be told them to go apart by themselves, and diligently to treat and inquire of those things that are given them in charge. And when they shall have been well informed, they shall return and render their Verdict and make their Presentment. But the Sheriff, in receiving the Verdicts and Recognitions shall not seek to trouble them that make Presentment; nor shall he take Fines of them for not being troubled. And when the Verdict or Presentment of the Jury is brought in, the Sheriff shall forthwith, or as soon as he may, take and keep in Prison, or discharge upon sufficient Bail, such as have been indicted of Offences whereof the Punishment is Death or Loss of Limb. And of the rest of the Articles there shall forthwith be Correction and due Execution made in all and every the Matters aforesaid, according to the Inquisitions. And the Bailiffs of Commotes shall from henceforth hold their Commotes and do and administer Justice to the Parties in Suit.