Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/143

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A.D. 1284]

security, &c. then you shall cause twelve, &c. to view that Hedge or that Fence, or that Way, or that Watercourse, or that Pond, and the Tenement, and their Names to be put in Writing. And summon them, &c. to come before our Justice, &c. ready, &c. and put by Gage, &c. the aforesaid B. or his Bailiff, &c. that he be then, &c. and have, &c.

Dated &c.

And the Forms of the Writs shall be changed according to the Diversities of the Cases.

Writ of Mortdancester.

The King to the Sheriff, Greeting. If A. shall give you Security to prosecute his Claim then summon by good Summoners twelve free and lawful men of the Neighbourhood of N. to come before our Justice, ready upon their oath to make Recognition whether B. the Father of the aforesaid A. was seised in his Demesne as of Fee of such a Manor with the Appurtenances, or of so much Land with the appurtenances, in N. on the day when he died; and whether he died since the Proclamation of our Peace in Wales, in the eleventh year of our Reign. And whether the same A. be his next Heir. And in the mean time let them view that Manor or that Land, and cause their names to be put in writing. And summon by good Summoners C., who now holdeth that Manor, or that Land, that he be then there to hear that Recognition. And have there the Summoners and this Writ.

And Letters Patent shall be made in these words, until our Lord the King shall ordain otherwise:

The King, to His Justice, Greeting. Know Ye that We have constituted you our Justice, together with those whom Ye shall think fit to be associated unto you to take the Assize of Novel Disseisin and Mortdancester in the Parts of Wales. And therefore We command you that on certain days and places, which you shall therefore provide, you do take those Assizes; doing therein what appertaineth to Justice, according to the Law and Custom of our Realm. Saving unto us the Amercements and other things therefore due unto us: for We have given command to our Sheriffs, that they do cause these Assizes to come before you, at certain days and places which you shall for the same make known unto them. In witness thereof we have caused these our Letters Patent to be made unto you. Dated &c.