Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/165

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A.D. 1400-1]

England, and in the same do burn, kill, ravish, or commit any other felony or trespass whereof he is attainted within the Realm of England by the laws of the same Realm by outlawry or abjuration, and repaireth into Wales and abideth there; that upon the certification and records to be made by the Justices of our Sovereign Lord the King in England before whom they shall be so convict under their seals to the Lords and Ministers where such Felons shall be found in Wales, final execution be made upon the same felons by the same Lords or Ministers, and that upon a grievous pain.

A.D. 1400-1]
2 Henry 4, c. 18.

The Lords Marchers in WALES shall keep sufficient Guards in their Castles.

It is accorded and established that the Lords of the Marches of Wales shall ordain and set sufficient stuffing and ward in their Castles and Seigniories of Wales, to the intent that in time to come no loss riot nor damage come to our Sovereign Lord the King nor his Realm, nor to none of his liege people by their tenants resiants, nor none the other Welshmen in their default as they come and be done for default of good Governance in time past.

A.D. 1400-1]
2 Henry 4, c. 19.

Of Suits against Englishmen in WALES.

It is ordained that no whole Englishman by three years next following shall be convict at the suit of any Welshman within Wales, except it be by the judgment of English Justices or by the judgment of whole Englishmen Burgesses or by inquest of Boroughs Towns and Englishmen of the Seigniories where such Englishmen be arrested.

A.D. 1400-1]
2 Henry 4, c. 20.

Welshmen shall not purchase Lands in England nor in the English Towns of WALES.

It is accorded and assented that from henceforth no Welshman be received to purchase lands nor tenements within England, nor